Monday, July 28, 2014

Stand for Justice: The Holy Quran

Serve God, and join not
Any partners with Him;
And do good-
To parents, kinsfolk,
Orphans, those in need,
Neighbours who are of kin
Neighbours who are strangers,
The Companion by your side,
The way-farer (ye meet),
And what your right hands possess:
For God loveth not
The arrogant, the vainglorious;-

(Nor)those who are niggardly,
Enjoin niggardliness on others,
Hide the bounties
Which God hath bestowed
On them; We have prepared,
For those who resist Faith,
A Punishment that steeps
Them in contempt;-

(The Holy Quran, Chapter: 4, Verses: 36 and 37)

O ye who believe!
Stand out firmly
For justice, as witnesses
To God, even as against
Yourselves, or your parents,
Or your kin, and whether
It be (against) rich or poor:
For God can best protect both.
Follow not the lusts
(Of your hearts), lest ye
Swerve, and if ye
Distort (justice) or decline
To do justice, verily
God is well-acquainted
With all that ye do.

(The Holy Quran, Chapter: 4, Verse: 135)

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Message for Palestine: The End is Best for the Righteous

Said Moses to his people:
"Pray for help from God,"
And (wait) in patience and constancy:
For the earth is God's,
To give as a heritage
To such of His servants
As He pleaseth; and the end
Is (best) for the righteous.

They said: "We have had
(Nothing but) trouble, both before
And after thou camest
To us." He said:
"It maybe that your Lord
Will destroy your enemy
And make you inheritors
In the earth; so that
He may see how ye act."

(The Holy Quran, Chapter: 7, Verses: 128 and 129)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Show Piety to Lord

Say: "Who is it that
Sustains you (in life)
From the sky and from the earth?
Or who is it that
Has power over hearing
And sight? And who
is it that brings out
The living from the dead
And the dead from the living?
And who is it that
Rules and regulates all affairs?
They will soon say, "GOD".
Say, "Will ye not then
Show piety (to Him)?"

(The Holy Quran, Chapter: 10, Verse: 31)

Wealth and sons are allurements
Of the life of this world:
But the things that endure,
Good Deeds, are best
In the sight of thy Lord,
As rewards, and best
As (the foundation for) hopes.

(The Holy Quran, Chapter: 18, Verse: 46)