Sunday, September 12, 2010

Today's Reading

He created the heavens
And the earth
In true (proportions):
He makes the Night
Overlap the Day, and the Day
Overlap the Night:
He has subjected
The sun and the moon
(To His law):
Each one follows a course
For a time appointed.
Is not He the Exalted
In Power - He Who forgives
Again and again?
He created you (all)
From a single Person:
Then created, of like nature,
His mate; and He
Sent down for you eight head
Of cattle in pairs:
He creates you,
In the wombs
Of your mothers,
In stages, one after another,
In three veils of darkness.
Such is God, your Lord
And Cherisher: to Him belongs
(All) dominion : There is
No God but He : then
How are ye turned away
(From your true Lord)?

(Holy Quran : 39: 5 and 6)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Third Wedding Anniversary for Peer and Shuba

And Among His Signs
Is this, that He created
For you mates from among
Yourselves, that you may
Dwell in tranquility with them,
And He has put love
And mercy between your (hearts):
Verily in that are Signs
For those who reflect.

(The Holy Quran:30:21)